You Can Only Lead Others as Deeply as You Lead Yourself...

When you come back home to yourself, you become whole...


In Order To Help Others Elevate,
Elevate Yourself First

I've worked with Dawn for a couple years and have benefited enormously from her gifts as an Intuitive Healer. Her ability to attune to and channel spiritual wisdom is profound. Dawn's guidance has helped accelerate my personal and professional growth tenfold, and I've loved working with her in both individual and group settings. 
If you have the opportunity to work with Dawn, you're about to experience a true gift. 
Brooke N.
This group hybrid experience with Dawn Elle is designed to bring deep mastery into your life. 
You're not like anyone else, don’t follow cookie cutter strategies, and ready to fully embrace all of your unique gifts, power, and purpose so you can shine in a sea of conformity.
You realize that where a lot of programs have fallen short is that they aren’t teaching you how to be 100% Fully Sourced in your own Sovereignty. With Fully Sourced, you have an unshakeable foundation to handle life’s ups and downs, a trust and ability to surrender to Divine Will knowing miracles are your birthright, and the ability to be a clear co-creator of an abundant and amazing life despite external circumstances..  
I’ve invested over a 100 thousand dollars over the years in the best mentors, programs, and modalities. I bring these to you distilled with what will change your life and business so you can create sustainable transformation for yourself, your clients, and business.
This 1:1 Coaching experience with Dawn Elle is designed to bring deep mastery into your life. 
You know that you’re like no one else, don’t want to follow some cookie cutter strategy, and want to embrace all of your unique soul codes and gifts so you can shine in a sea of conformity.
You realize that where a lot of programs have fallen short is that they aren’t teaching you how to be 100% Fully Sourced in your own Sovereignty. With Fully Sourced, you have an unshakeable foundation to handle life’s ups and downs, a trust and ability to surrender to Divine Will knowing miracles are your birthright, and the ability to be a clear co-creator of an abundant and amazing life despite external circumstances..  
I’ve invested over a 100 thousand dollars over the years in the best mentors, programs, and modalities. I bring these to you distilled with what will change your life and business so you can create sustainable transformation for yourself, your clients, and business.
When life and biz are seen through the lens of the Soul, you create from a merging of your intelligence and wisdom. Your body will be connected to the quantum field able to access intuition at high levels.
That’s where you will receive your direct downloads for what wants to be birthed through your creativity. Because, this is an 80/20 game. 80% of what we create is through our mindset, and only 20% strategy. When you learn how to heal the relationship with your inner masculine and feminine, you will have flow and execution working for you in advantageous ways.  
The old ways of coaching are dying. This program is for the wayshower who wants to pioneer a new way to lead others based on knowing your own truth so you can be a sacred mirror to help others see theirs. 
Expect to feel empowered and held to your highest potential so that you can create a thriving life that flows and brings joy versus one based on what others think you should do. 
  7 Month 1:1 Coaching Virtually via Zoom
  (3) 60 minute sessions a month, 1 week off a month for integration. Two sessions a month are coaching, the third is a support session to answer questions and integrate new modalities. (Value $10,500)
  1. 5 day VIP Immersion Experience In San Diego, California (airfare and room not included) Online Version Possible if Needed (Value $6,500)
  1.5 hour virtual Biz Planning Session (Value $1,250)
  Voxer Access in Between Sessions 
  Soul Lab Membership (Value $44 monthly)
  Rich Soul Program - Soul Journey Program including 8 modules (Value $5,500)
  Empress Empire Program - Soul & Biz Accelerator (Value $10,000)
  Personalized Recorded Frequency Activation Gift Template: this activation will ignite, turn on, and elevate your unique Soul Essences so you can serve at higher levels.  When listening to this over time, you amplify the effects over time. (Value: $500 )

Total Value $35,558

Investment Will Be Discussed During The Application Call

Payment Plans Available
I have often told Dawn that I want to live in a world where every person has ‘a Dawn’. I truly mean that. She has brought out a better version of me. My personal relationships have strengthened. My professional purpose has expanded. And I am finding true peace, at home and at work. I am so grateful to have her in my life - as a friend, colleague, mentor, and guide.
When we reflect back on our life’s journey, there are certain people that hold a special place in our hearts because they have brought out the best in us. For me, Dawn is one of those people. When I first met her, I could sense her deep commitment to helping women find their purpose and power, with compassion and empathy.
We started with one-on-one coaching, which proved invaluable. We explored the past, but always ended up in the present moment. And eventually, we were reimagining the future. We would often weave in and out of my personal and professional paths, which have been intimately intertwined. I could feel both the gravity and the levity of the work. Transformative is the best way to describe it.
I moved on to a group coaching environment and loved interacting with like-minded, strong, successful women in such a safe space. The timing just happened to span the global pandemic and reckoning of racial injustice, which encouraged a remarkable level of trust within our group and allowed for powerful conversations around the pressures we were facing. I will forever be grateful to these women for their grace and support during such turbulent times.
  How To Be Trauma Informed
  How To Turn ON All Your Psychic Senses To Use Your Intuition And Clairvoyance 
  The Art of Channeling And Use It To Bring The Formless Into Form
  Activate Your Healing Abilities For Self & Others
  Get Clarity In Your Divine Blueprint & Soul Mission To Be Of Highest Service To Humanity And Your Specific Community
  Quantum Healing Techniques
  Soul Coaching By Accessing The Quantum Field
  How to Have Mastery with Self & Your Relationships
  Ascension In Next Level Of Business & Program Creation (Co-create High End Packages/services/inventions/collaborations)
  Wealth Consciousness 
  Futuring (Mastery of your subconscious mind to take goal setting and manifestation to the next level) 
  The Gene Keys 
  How To Be Trauma Informed
  How To Turn ON All Your Psychic Senses To Use Your Intuition And Clairvoyance 
  The Art of Channeling And Use It To Bring The Formless Into Form
  Activate Your Healing Abilities For Self & Others
  Get Clarity In Your Divine Blueprint & Soul Mission To Be Of Highest Service To Humanity And Your Specific Community
  Quantum Healing Techniques
  Soul Coaching By Accessing The Quantum Field
  How to Have Mastery with Self & Your Relationships
  Ascension In Next Level Of Business & Program Creation (Co-create High End Packages/services/inventions/collaborations)
  Wealth Consciousness 
  Futuring (Mastery of your subconscious mind to take goal setting and manifestation to the next level) 
  The Gene Keys 
I have come far in such a short time and look forward to continuing to work with Dawn in the future!
I was referred to Dawn Elle by a good friend when my marriage was ending. Dawn was able to help me through a difficult time in my life with some readings and a 1 day retreat. I decided to enroll in the Soul Academy to continue down the path of healing and spiritual growth. The program was eye opening and pushed me to dig deep. I learned so much about myself in the process and met some wonderful people. Dawn is a wonderful to work with and definitely loves what she does. 
  If you want to rely only on intellect and ego
  If you’re afraid to let go of limiting beliefs and the ways you sabotage and stay in victimhood
  If you’re scared to access your truth and make changes
  Don’t want to sit in the discomfort of uncertainty to birth a new reality
  If you think another strategy is the key to your success
  Want to spiritually bypass your feelings & ignore the somatic cues
  Love the comfort zone (bye bye!)
  Want to be told what to do versus learn how to tap into your inherent wisdom
This is not for everyone. If you’re ready to deepen in your connection to self & the Divine to lead a brave fulfilled life where you're co-creating your best life and biz, then fill out this application. 

  It would be an honor to guide you to your Highest Alignment. 

If you’re a good candidate, our team will be in touch.  
Helping You Evolve As A Mentor-Teacher-Coach-Light Leader To Be Fully ReSourced in your 
Gifts, Power, and Purpose
Dawn Elle's intuition and guidance has progressively changed my life. I have worked with Dawn since 2015 and continue to evolve personally and professionally through her programs. My experience with Dawn has included individual coaching sessions and group coaching in Soul Academy. I encourage you to seek change and know your purpose through her programs.
I have experienced growth and change that is unmatched by more traditional therapeutic approaches to self healing. Dawn offers intuitive healing, provides tools for shifting into higher states of awareness and holds you accountable for your soul's purpose. She effectively communicates your needs to transition and transfers energy to help you gain personal wisdom. Her ability to connect with her clients is magical. She sees you. She listens to you. She remains by your side and supports you through the most difficult circumstances you are willing to overcome.
My life is better because of Dawn. I would not be as healthy, self reliant or capable if it were not for her amazing gifts and profession. I am forever grateful for Dawn and committed to working on myself with her inner light leading my way. 
I’ve been working with Dawn for nearly 4 years and I honestly don’t know how I ever lived without her. She is one of the most amazing humans I know. I jokingly call her my guru because that’s what she is to me, she has these incredible gifts and I just feel so grateful that she is sharing her gifts with the world and that I get to be part of it.
I met Dawn at a pivotal time in my life and career. I had just gone through a big family member loss and my business was starting to take off. Dawn is such a force that it’s hard to even put into words what she has done for my life. 
Through years of 1:1 monthly coaching, she’s helped me tune into myself and follow my intuition, she’s guided me through tough friendships, business, or family situations, she’s taught me how to get grounded and listen to the messages that need to come through. She helps my soul grow and shift. She heals energies that are feeling off. And that’s only scratching the surface.  
She is totally unintimidating, and uses storytelling and humor to help her clients understand the messages that are coming through. So, not only is she magic, but she’s fun to be around and keeps it real.
I’m endlessly grateful that the universe had our paths cross. Thank you so much, Dawn, for being in my life! I feel honored to not only be a client but a friend as well.
Jen Verruto, Owner of Blythe Interiors

Oracle, Multidimensional healer, & Mentor

Dawn Elle is a renowned Healer, Intuitive Advisor, and Mentor with over 20 years of experience guiding clients all over the world towards sustainable subconscious and somatic transformation. She's adept at identifying patterns keeping you stuck and provides clarity on how to create your desired reality through healing from a mind, body, and soul perspective. 

Highly trained in quantum healing, hypnotherapy, trauma informed somatics, and Futuring, she delivers a unique & customized experience. Through her Healing Forward method, Dawn combines psychology and spirituality to foster wholeness and empower women to become impactful leaders and change agents.

She recently relocated to Boise, Idaho from San Diego with her two daughters to be with her fiancé and his son. 

Source Oracle, Soul Mission Leadership, 
Divine Blueprint Activator, & Ascension Mentor

Dawn Elle started as an Intuitive Healer in 2007 with an emphasis in Source channeling, energy healing, and frequency activations for her international client base. Her body of work now also includes Soul & Biz Mentoring where she leads clients to remember who they are at a soul level, tap into their inner guru, and live life on purpose to become conscious creators and leaders. She also mentors other coaches, healers, and consultants to create their own sustainable 6 + figure businesses.  

Her signature program, “Majesty Mastermind” is designed to exponentially help clients see their inherent brilliance and gifts, have fierce self love, and ignite their power and prosperity consciousness to activate their soul mission for the planet. She also leads local and international retreats, workshops, and has two transformative self paced programs. Dawn is highly trained in a number of modalities including: Channeling, Theta & Quantum Healing, Trauma Certified, and Futuring.  

All Rights Reserved 2024. Dawn Elle. Live In Your Light.